House Martin

Often seen in numbers low over the water after or during heavy rain.

27/08/70 - See 'Swallows' section.

04/04/98 - Single bird. First record for the year.

02/11/98 - 3 birds heading south. Latest record for the year. (AJB).

03/10/99 - Approximately 30 birds.

11/09/00 - 120 birds.

13/09/01 - 100 hirundines, mainly House Martins

24/09/01 - 200 hirundines, a mix of House Martins and Swallows

28/04/02 - 400+ hirundines a mix of all 3 species in heavy showers (KGH)

30/04/02 - 200 hirundines a mix of all 3 species

09/09/02 - 100 hirundines a mix of all 3 species

28/09/02 - 150 hirundines, a mix of House Martins and Swallows

01/05/03 - Up to 50 birds in May

12 09/03 - 100+ hirundines, a mix of House Martins and Swallows

23/03/04 - Single early bird.

22/09/04 - 200+ hirundines, a mix of House Martins and Swallows

22/04/05 - 'Hundreds' of hirundines in the rain

18/05/05 - 200-300 hirundines mainly House Martins

27/09/05 - 80+

23/09/06 - 200+

2007 - up to 20 during the summer

2008 - up to 25 spring and summer

2009 - not seen until 29/04/09 when 20. Max count 30 on 13/05/09

2010 - One on 31/03. No more than 4 reported together

2011 - One on 03/04. 'Large flock' on 27/08, 300+ Hirundines 02/09, 80+ Hirundines 18/09, 40+ on 21/09

2012 - One on 04/04. c.300 on 30/04. 150+ on 03/05. 150+ on 15/08. Hundreds on 29/08

2013 - 3 on 01/04. 30 on 10/05. 200+ on 23/05, 27/05 and 28/05, otherwise up to 20 through the summer and early autumn

2014 - 3 on 12/04. 200-300 on 10/05. 100+ on 11/05. up to 50 in July. c.50 in mixed hirundine flock 31/08. 3 on 08/10

2015 - One on 13/04. Hundreds of hirundines on 06/05. 30+ on 05/07

2016 - 2+ on 1/04. 100 on 04/05. c.200 on 21/05. 150 on 29/07. 100 on 04/07. Last 2 of the year on 05/09

2017 - One on 31/03. Up to 100+ in August and September with c.150 on 16/05, 17/05 and 05/06

2018 - 2 on 05/04. Max count c.50 on 29/08. Last seen on 25/09 when 20 were present

2019 - 2 on 01/04. Max count 250+ on 14/09. Last seen on 29/09 when there were c.150

2020 - 1 on 05/04. Max count 100+ on 06/09. Last seen on 01/10 when there were 45+ in torrential rain

2021 - 1 on 02/04 and 03/04. c.50 on 24/05 and 25/05. Last one seen on 05/10

2022 - 1 on 07/04 and 10/04. c.200 hirundine mix of Swallows and House Martins on 20/09. Last seen on 01/10 with a 10+ mix of Swallows and House Martins

2023 - 1 on 28/03 and 30/03. 70+ on 15/09 were the most and last ones seen in the year