Chard reservoir sign


2018 Foray

We were lucky enough to have Michael Jordan lead a fungi foray in October 2018. Although conditions were fairly poor for fungi after a prolonged dry spell, 41 species were collected and identified. The photos below were taken over a period of years at the reservoir, the first one from the foray itself.

Table of species found in the October 2018 foray

Gymnopilus penetrans

Common Rustgill

Lepiota cristata

Stinking Dapperling

Lepiota castanea

Chestnut Dapperling

Russula chloroides

Blue Band Brittlegill

Russula rosea

Rosy Brittlegill

Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca

False Chanterelle

Agaricus porphyrizon

Lilac Mushroom

Pholiota adiposa


Oxyporus populinus

Poplar Bracket

Rhodocollybia butyracea

Butter Cap

Lactarius tabidus

Birch Milkcap

Gymnopus androsaceus

Horsehair Parachute

Parasola conopilus

Conical Brittlestem

Gymnopus confluens

Clustered Toughshank

Stereum gausapatum

Bleeding Oak Crust

Calocera viscosa

Yellow Stagshorn

Xylaria hypoxylon


Scleroderma areolatum

Leopard Earthball

Mycena galericulata

Common Bonnet

Mycena inclinata

Clustered Bonnet

Mycena haematopus

Burgundydrop Bonnet

Mycena pura

Lilac Bonnet

Crepidotus mollis

Peeling Oysterling

Amanita citrina

False Deathcap

Daedaleopsis confragosa

Blushing Bracket

Stereum hirsutum

Hairy Curtain Crust

Bulgaria inquinans

Black Bulgar

Lycoperdon pyriforme

Stump Puffball

Lycoperdon excipuliforme

Pestle Puffball

Agaricus sylvicola

Wood Mushroom

Chlorophyllum rachodes

Shaggy Parasol

Tricholomopsis rutilans

Plums and Custard

Xanthoporia radiata

Alder Bracket

Cortinarius flexipes

Pelargonium Webcap

Hygrophorus eburneus

Ivory Woodwax

Gymnopus dryophilus

Russet Toughshank

Trametes versicolor


Boletus badius

Bay Bolete

Paxillus involutus

Brown Rollrim

Armillaria mellea

Honey Fungus

Sparassis crispa

Cauliflower Fungus

If anyone has information or observations on the fungi at Chard reservoir:

email me:
